Minecraft Blender World Download
What's in this video is the easy part. If anyone knows a better way of doing textures other than having to manually apply them to each material type, I'd love to hear it. I usually just cut from the terrain.png and make textures that way.

After you've done it once, you can recycle a lot of that work in other renders, but it's pretty tedious doing it the first time. I admit I'm not a Blender wizard. Maybe there's a way to use UV coords. If you mapped the coords once, you could swap terrain.png files to apply new textures. Still learning.
I am definitly an amature when it comes to using bleder. I have a very high end system and it renders really fast but I'm still learning. For instance, how do you change the camera angle? I could move it on an x,y,z but I could not change the angle or rotate it. But, I'll be learning today after I watch some more youtube.Where did you get the program that pulls the information out of the world save?EDIT: NVM, I found the link to the author of the McObj. Just didn't notice the link till I asked =P.

Minecraft Fnaf Blender Rig
Biome Bundle is a world pack for Open Terrain Generator which must be downloaded separatelyBiome Bundle is a completely custom world generator containing a huge pack of over 400 original biomes with over 2000 structures including custom trees, rocks, caves, dungeons, villages and much more.Biome Bundle has been created using (required). The content consists of 4 main parts:Custom biomes and terrainCustom objects (trees, rocks, etc)Custom structures (Dungeons, ruins, etc)Custom mob spawn rules (in select biomes)LINKS:Happy exploring! I have around 30 other mods installed in 1.12.2, before adding this mod i could enter normally the nether through the nether portal, but when I installed this mod, the nether portal when activated, the portal blocks appeared with the purple and black texture as if there was no texture and when I stepped in it I can't be teleported to the nether, is this a bug that is going to be fixed or what is it?Hey bro, I have the same problem too. I have download more than 100 mods in minecraft. And I discovered that the nether portal block become purple and black too.