Luis Lopez Gta 5
Contents.Description ChildhoodLuis is of Dominican descent, born and raised in by his, with his and his. Marine who abandoned them while they were young.
He was raised by, who also had a notable role in the upbringing of Luis' childhood. His mother had always been cautious though worried for Luis' near future throughout the story claiming that he is ruining his life and should not end up like his father.
Following this, Luis had also been brought up with his current best friends;. He also grew up with and, and, older kids by three years, who ushered most of the neighborhood kids into drug dealing. During a drug war, mentions that Luis used to rap while Henrique 'layed down' the beat. Henrique claims that Luis was a poor rapper because people used to laugh at him when he would rap, however Luis retorts stating he had skills. He was also scrawnier in those years, as Armando and Henrique recall. During school a teacher had apparently been making fun of Luis', and in a confrontation Luis broke the teacher's arm.
Henrique at one point reflects on the time the three of them had stolen liqour from Principal Fischer's office, and claim that detention in their school was almost as bad as prison.When Luis was 16 or 17, in or, he went to juvenile hall because he shot and injured a teacher who felt up his. Armando & Henrique remember spending the summer of 1999 with Luis, meaning it happened during their next school year. Curiously, this does not appear on his criminal record. He was arrested again for Grand Theft Auto at the age of 18 in. This likely coincides with him taking the blame for a crime committed by himself, Armando and unspecified associates. Apparently, Luis and Armando had been caught, Luis kept his mouth shut and as a result went to prison with no deal.
However Armando apparently ratted (however Luis believes that Armando ratted on everyone but him) because Armando never did any time. Armando only continues to evade and deny the accusations.During this two year stint, he went from being very skinny to being quite muscular. He got his physique by body-building and continuously fighting off inmates to keep himself from getting raped or killed. His and, however, both left Liberty City and started stable lives, with a spouse, children and homes in different small-town suburbs, with little to no interaction with their mother. As a result, she relies on Luis to give her money.Luis got in police trouble a third time in, for Assault, but avoided prison. This likely coincides with Luis was being arrested alongside and - the LCPD goes on for years thinking Luis is still closely connected to them, while in fact this was one of their last times together.
During this time in prison, Luis entered into a prison out-reach program, and met nightclub owner who was also involved in some way.Young adulthood and joining 'Gay Tony' PrinceIn when Luis was 22, his life changed when he accepted a job from Tony to be a bouncer at, and it wouldn't take long for Tony and Luis to see each other as a sort of father-and-son pair. He cut all remaining ties with his old gang (except Armando and Henrique as friends), and paid his supposed last visit to an ring (though he would ). By working for Gay Tony, his life became much more positive, and while he lost respect with old friends who saw him as a yuppie, he was introduced to much more money and glamour. At one point Tony paid for Luis to take helicopter-flying lessons for business purposes (as shown from his piloting certificate in his apartment, as well as the mission with ).The Ballad of Gay TonyBy Luis has been made Co-Manager and bouncer of and Hercules. He meets, has a lot of meaningless sex, and is for the moment legitimate. Unfortunately, Tony is in debt to several loaners across the city such as and member.Player's first meet Luis Lopez on the floor of the.
The bank is by the and, after which Luis leaves the scene and returns to Tony's place. There, he meets Ancelotti goons, Rocco and Vince, at this point Tony reveals to Luis he borrowed some money from them.Over the course of the game Luis help Tony by working with various people he has borrowed money from.
Luis helps Rocco get information out of a by at the, and attempts to, the latter of which goes sour and ends in a shootout.Luis discover's that his mother is in debt to a loanshark named. Mr Santo propositions Luis to fight in the LC Cage Fights, and to take a dive on the third fight, doing so will relieve his mother of her debt. At this point Luis can either take a dive, or he can win the fight, after which he kills Mr.
Santo in a scuffle in the alley after he comes at him with a for not throwing the fight.Armando and Henrique start to question Luis' loyalty, and seem angry that he abandoned them for the lifestyle he chose with Tony. Luis assures his loyalty and joins them as muscle for a few jobs, and helping them they have coming in.Taking care of more debt, Luis does a couple jobs for Mori Kibbutz, he, and after only has to do a final job, which is to escort some stolen vehicles to safety with Mori and his.Lopez also works with the multi-billionaire real estate developer who he meet through Tony. Yusuf employs Luis to do over-the-top missions such as, stealing a NOOSE APC,. Over the course of which Yusuf and Luis become friends.Rocco attempts to have Tony (as means to pay a portion of his debt off) take a suitcase full of sticky bombs and blow up a crane, (the target being a foreman), a subway car (empty expect for the target), and the head of the LTA's private jet. Luis punches Tony out when he refuses to let him do it, and so Luis. After this, Rocco has Luis go to to for information. However the returns, and the club turns into a bloodbath.The diamondsTony had recently come in contact with of a ship called the who stated he had two million dollars worth of diamonds for sale.
Luis, Tony, and Tony's on-and-off, ex-bodybuilding boyfriend go to to.The diamond deal is ambushed. Luis, Tony and Tony's driver flee towards, pursued by members of The Lost MC, and eventually the police.
During this time Johnny Klebitz, and some other Lost members, chase down, and murder Evan, taking the diamonds from him.Tony finds out about a diamond deal at the Libertonian, Luis takes Yusuf's, and, killing a few and escaping with the diamonds.Luis is contacted by Russian mob boss, and with him and his right-hand man. However Ray finds out that Luis and Tony had these diamonds, and claims ownership. It is revealed he had already killed The Cook, severing his head and leaving it for Luis to find on a rooftop, narrowly escaping.Tony finds out that his friend has been kidnapped, and that the kidnappers are requesting their diamonds. Not given much of a choice, Luis and Tony exchange the diamonds for Gracie with Niko Bellic. They escape as Ray Bulgarin attempts to ambush Niko and Packie.Rocco and Vince reaveal to Luis that unless Luis kills Tony, Ray Bulgarin (who at this point had a sit down with ), is going to have everyone involved with the diamonds killed. In the VIP room. They toss the gun to Luis and tell him to do it.

Luis points the gun at Tony, but takes aim at Vince and shoots him in the head. Tony spares Rocco, Rocco leaves and right after Ray Bulgarin's hit squad shows up at the club, Luis wipes them all out, and Tony heads home stating he's leaving the city.Luis meets up with Tony at his place, the discuss the current situation, and Luis convinces Tony they need to take Bulgarin out now before he gets to them.
Luis and Tony arrive at on where Ray and Timur are storing a shipment of heroin. Luis destroys the heroin, kills Timur, and head's to to intercept Bulgarin before he can leave the country.Yusuf Amir comes to Luis' aid in a buzzard, blowing up any Russians coming after Luis as he rides toward the airport. Luis reaches the airport as Ray's plane is taking off, he pulls his motorcycle up to the side of the plane, killing a man at the door, and jumping from the bike to the plane before it lifts off the ground.In the plane Luis kills the remaining goons, and Ray appears from the cockpit with a hot grenade, stating that if Luis kills him the plane will blow up and they will both die. Equipped with a, Luis takes that chance, he kills Bulgarin, the front of the plan blows off, and Luis parachutes safely back to the ground.Luis meets Tony at the in.
Tony and Luis have a heart to heart, and are joined by an excited Yusuf, the three converse as they walk away from the Monoglobe.After The Ballad of Gay TonyBy the end of TBoGT, Luis is involved in a successful drug business with his friends Armando and Henrique, he has saved Tony's two clubs and his life. He is the 2008 LC Cage Fighting Champion, has won several local Triatholons, and owns a gold-plated buzzard and his own NOOSE APC tank. It can be assumed that he stays in touch with his two friends, his mother and possibly Yusuf Amir. It is unknown whether or not Tony has actually left Liberty City, as there are no calls recieved from him afterwards and he never appears at his own clubs.
However there is also nothing suggesting he left. Luis, however, promised Tony in that he would not leave Liberty City because of his family (, and and ).Sex lifeBecause of his role as a celebrity nightclub manager, Luis has the opportunity to socialize and even have casual sex with famous, beautiful women. Some people mentioned during the game that Luis has a little penis. It's unproved, but this blame comes from his lovers, and he gets angry when somebody else talks about that.
Gracie and both playfully tease Luis about being a closeted homosexual. It's perhaps notable that Luis seems to have a slight pattern towards brunettes.He had been sexually linked to:. Ms. Adams: Luis' 8th grade teacher, who he slept with while he was in her class around age 14. She is possibly his first, as Armando calls Luis 'a victim of child abuse'.: A woman that Luis was involved with in 2007 and calls 'nasty'.
Was also involved with her and is currently involved with her. In an eerie coincidence, she is a potential girlfriend for and once dirty danced with at one of her house parties.: A British socialite living in Liberty City, who once slept with Luis and avoided him afterward, even though Luis contacted her a few times. She later recruits his help when a famous actor that she cheated on her boyfriend with, is about to humiliate her.
Although Hunt releases a compromising sex tape to millions of viewers, Daisie happily marries her boyfriend despite the affair.: Daughter of the Lupisella mafia don, who threatened to have her father 'chops his balls off' if or when the relationship ended. During ', Luis tells, who is interested in him, that he will not date mob daughters because of the experience.: A close co-worker of Luis' at Maisonette 9, who will sometimes give Luis blowjobs and even sex in the surveillance room and later complain in stride about Luis having a tiny penis. It's mostly implied that they have a friends-with-benefits relationship, but if Luis has sex with a woman in Maisonette 9's bathroom (see below), Joni will scream at him for breaking her heart.: A clingy, mentally unstable ex-girlfriend who Luis dated 'over a year ago' in early 2007.
She attempts to kill herself two times over Luis. The first time, she uses painkillers and sleeping pills, and then a second time she jumps from a two to three story pier and actually dies. Luis disperses the area while being chased by an angry mob of people who saw her fall and thought he pushed her.: The two were dating beforehand, until Luis was caught sleeping with her roommate. In the mission, she had not held a grudge on Luis and hooked up with him all over again. She is caught giving him oral sex by her boyfriend (owner of ), who was thought to be out of town.
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Monique's roommate (see above).: One of several famous people Luis has had casual sex with.
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