Contoh Soal Vektor Matematika Dan Penyelesaiannya

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Vektor merupakan besaran yang memiliki nilai dan arah. Notasi umum yang dipakai dalam penulisan suatu vektor PQ adalah, atau a.Suatu vektor dalam bidang 2-D seperti pada gambar diatas memiliki komponen, sedangkan pada vektor dalam bidang 3-D memiliki komponen. Sehingga memiliki vektor posisi sebagai berikut. Pada 2-D → = =. Pada 3-D → = – =Sebuah vektor A juga memiliki panjang vektor yang dapat dituliskan dengan notasi. Pada 2-D → = = dan =.

Pada 3-D → = – = dan =Vektor satuan a adalah:Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan pada Vektor. Dalam melakukan operasi penjumlahan maupun pengurangan pada vektor, dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu menggunakan aturan segitiga dan aturan jajargenjang. Aturan SegitigaPada aturan segitiga ini dilakukan dengan cara menggeser dan menghimpitkan titik pangkal vektor dengan titik ujung vektor. Kemudian pada titik pangkal vektor dihubungkan dengan titik ujung pada vektor sehingga diperoleh garis baru yaitu vektor, dimana vektor merupakan hasil penjumlahan dan. Aturan jajargenjangPada aturan jajargenjang, dilakukan dengan cara menggeser vektor sehingga titik pangkal vektor dan vektor saling berhimpit. Selanjutnya membuat garis bantu yang sejajar dengan vektor dan vektor sehingga membentuk sebuah jajargenjang. Kemudian buat garis diagonal pada jajargenjang tersebut.

Garis diagonal inilah yang menjadi vektor = +.Dalam operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan vektor, jika dibuat dalam bentuk matriks maka dapat dinyatakan sebagai berikut. Pada vektor 2-D ( R 2)± = ± =Sehingga dapat dituliskan:± = (a 1,a 2) ± (b 1,b 2) = (a 1 ± b 1, a 2 ± b 2). Pada vektor 3-D ( R 3)± = ± =Sehingga dapat dituliskan:± = (a 1,a 2,a 3) ± (b 1,b 2,b 3) = (a 1 ± b 1, a 2 ± b 2, a 3 ± b 3) Perkalian Skalar dengan Vektor.

+ = +. ( + ) + = + ( + ). + 0 = 0 + =. + (- ) = 0. k( ) = (kl).

k( + ) = ±. (k ± l) = ±Contoh:1. Diketahui vektor = (-1, 2, 3), = (-2, 0, 1) dan = (3, -1, -2).

3 – 2 + 4Jawab:a. 2 + = 2 + = + =Jadi 2 + = (-4, 4, 5)b. 3 – 2 + 4 = 3 – 2 += – +=Jadi 3 – 2 + 4 = (13, 2, 3)2. Buktikan bahwa vektor = (-3, 0, 6) sejajar dengan vektor = (1, 0, -2).Jawab:Agar dapat membuktikan bahwa vektor = (-3, 0, 6) sejajar dengan vektor = (1, 0, -2), maka harus mencari k(bilangan real) sehingga = k= k → – k = 0(-3, 0, 6) – k(1, 0, -2) = (0, 0, 0)(-3, 0, 6) – (k, 0, 2k) = (0, 0, 0)(-3 – k, 0, 6 + 2k) = (0, 0, 0)Diperoleh k = 3 sehingga vektor = 3Jadi, vektor = (-3, 0, 6) sejajar dengan vektor = (1, 0, -2) Perbandingan Vektor. Pada gambar terdapat tiga titik A, P, dan Q pada R 2 (2-D), dengan A (x A, y A), P (x p, y p), dan Q (x q, y q), maka diperoleh komponen vektor sebagai berikut:= dan =Dari dua komponen vektor tersebut, maka diperoleh vektor dengan menggunakan rumus perbandingan dan dapat ditulis sebagai berikut:=Karena vektor =, maka koordinat titik P adalah:Sedangkan jika pada R 3 (3-D) dengan A (x A, y A, z A), P (x p, y p, z p), dan Q (x q, y q, z q), maka diperoleh komponen vektor sebagai berikut:=, =, =Dengan menggunakan rumus:Jadi, koordinat titik P adalah:Contoh Soal. Proyeksi titik ujung ruas garis pada ruas garis berarah merupakan titik C dengan panjang OC dapat ditentukan olehOC = cos = cosBesar OC = cos dinamakan sebagai proyeksi skalar orthogonal dari vektor pada arah vektor.

Proyeksi skalar dari vektor pada arah vektor juga dapat dinyatakan sebagai panjang proyeksi dari vektor pada arah vektor.1. Proyeksi skalar orthogonal dari vektor pada arah vektor = cos = =2. Proyeksi vektor orthogonal dari vektor pada arah vektorDalam mementukan proyeksi vektor, dapat menggunakan rumus berikut ini:= x vektor satuan cDimana vektor satuan c adalah, sehingga nilai proyeksi vektor dapat diperoleh.= = =. Matriks adalah susunan bilangan yang diatur dalam baris dan kolom berbentuk persegi panjang. Susunan matriks secara umum berordo m x n dapat dituliskan dengan notasi sebagai berikut.Jenis matriks berdasarkan ordoa.

Matriks kolom (Matriks yang terdiri dari satu kolom)misalnya: A =, B =b. Matriks baris (Matriks yang terdiri dari satu baris)misalnya: C = (3 6 9), D = (2 -1)c. Matriks persegi (Matriks yang memiliki banyak baris sama dengan banyak kolom)misalnya: E =, F =d. Matriks Segitiga (Matriks persegi yang elemen – elemen di bawah atau atas diagonal utamanya bernilai nol)misalnya: G =, H =e. Matriks diagonal (Matriks persegi yang elemen diluar diagonal utamanya bernilai nol)misalnya: I =, J =f.


Matriks skalar (Matriks yang elemen – elemen diagonal utamanya sama, sedangkan elemen diluar elemen diagonalnya bernilai nol)misalnya: K =, L =g. Matriks identitas (Matriks yang elemen – elemen diagonal utamanya sama dengan 1, sedangkan elemen – elemen lainnya sama dengan 0)misalnya: M =, N =h. Matriks nol (Matriks yang semua elemennya nol)misalnya: O =, P =i. Transpose matriks A (Sebuah matriks yang disusun dengan cara menuliskan baris ke- m matriks A menjadi kolom ke- m dan sebaliknya, menuliskan kolom ke- n matriks A menjadi baris ke- n)misalnya: P =, maka P t =Beberapa sifat matriks:.

(A + B) t = A t + B t. (A t) t = A. (cA) t = cA t, c adalah konstanta. (AB) t = A tB tPenjumlahan dan Pengurangan Matriks. A X B = B X A = IDimana A dan B disebut saling invers, sedangkan I adalah matriks identitas.Berikut ini adalah syarat suatu matriks A mempunyai invers. Jika A = 0, maka matriks A tidak mempunyai invers. Sehingga dikatakan matriks A sebagai matriks singular.

Jika A  ≠ 0, maka matriks A mempunyai invers. Sehingga dikatakan matriks A sebagai matriks nonsingular.Pada matriks dengan ordo 2×2, nilai inversnya dapat ditentukan sebagai berikut:Misalkan:A =, maka invers matriks A adalahContoh:Tentukan invers dari A =Jawab:A =, dimana a = 2, b = 5, c = 1 dan d = 3maka A = (6 – 5) = 1A -1 Penerapan Matriks dalam Sistem Persamaan Linear. Bentuk umum dari pertidaksamaan linear dua variabel, adalah sebagai berikut:.

ax + by c. ax + by ≥ c.

ax + by 0, maka arsirlah sebelah bawah.Jika b 0, maka arsirlah sebelah atas. Model Matematika. Model matematika adalah suatu cara sederhana untuk menerjemahkan suatu masalah ke dalam bahasa matematika dengan menggunakan persamaan, pertidaksamaan, atau fungsi.Contoh:Sebuah pesawat terbang mempunyai 48 tempat duduk yang terbagi ke dalam kelas eksekutif dan kelasa ekonomi. Setiap penumpang kelas eksekutif diperbolehkan membawa barang 60 kg dan penumpang kelas ekonomi 20 kg. Tempat bagasi pesawat maksimal dapat membawa 1440 kg barang.

Bila banyak penumpang kelas eksekutif adalah x orang dan kelas ekonomi adalah y orang. Tentukan model matematikanya!Jawab:Nilai x dan y tidak mungkin negatif, maka x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0.Jumlah penumpang eksekutif dan kelas ekonomi maksimal 48 atau x + y ≤ 48Jumlah total barang pada bagasi maksimal 1440 atau 60x + 20y ≤ 1440Jadi model matematika dari permasalahan tersebut dapat dinyatakan dengan:x + y ≤ 4860x + 20y ≤ 1440x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0 Metode Uji Titik Pojok.

Dalam menentukan nilai optimum pada program linear dapat melalui uji titik pojok, berikut ini adalah langkah – langkahnya:1. Menggambar daerah penyelesaian dari kendala – kendala pada bidang Cartesius.2. Menentukan titik – titik pojok dari daerah penyelesaian.3.

Mensubstitusikan koordinat setiap titik pojok kedalam fungsi objektif.4. Membandingkan nilai – nilai fungsi objektif tersebut.

Pada nilai yang terbesar menunjukkan nilai maksimum dari fungsi (x,y), sedangkan nilai terkecil menunjukkan nilai minimum dari fungsi (x,y).Contoh:Tentukan nilai minimum fungsi objektif (x,y) = 2x + 10y yang memenuhi x + 2y ≥ 10, 3x + y ≥ 15, x ≥ 0, dan y ≥ 0.Jawab:a. Titik – titik pojoknya adalah titik A, B, dan C.→ Titik A adalah titik potong garis x + 2y = 10 dengan sumbu-x.Substitusi y = 0 ke persamaan x + 2y = 10. Maka diperoleh x = 10.Jadi titik A (0,10).→ Titik B adalah titik potong garis x + 2y = 10 dengan garis 3x + y = 15. Pada x + 2y = 10 diperoleh x = 10 – 2y.Substitusi nilai x = 10 – 2y ke persamaan 3x + y = 15. Maka diperoleh y = 3.Substitusi nila y = 3 ke persamaan x = 10 – 2y. Maka diperoleh x = 4.Jadi titik B (4,3).→ Titik C adalah titik potong garis 3x + y = 15 dengan sumbu-y.Substitusi x = 0 ke persamaan 3x + y = 15. Maka diperoleh y = 15.Jadi titik C (0,15).b.

Uji titik – titik pojokMetode Garis Selidik. Integral merupakan antiturunan. Jika F(x) adalah fungsi umum yang bersifat = F'(x) = (x), maka F(x) merupakan antiturunan atau integral dari (x). Dimana pengintegralan fungsi (x) terhadap x dinotasikan sebagai berikut.dengan:(x)dx = unsur integrasi, dibaca “integral (x) terhadap x”(x) = fungsi integran (yang diintegralkan)F(x) = fungsi integral umum yang bersifat F’(x) = (x) (fungsi asal, fungsi pokok)C = konstanta pengintegralanRumus umum dalam pengintegralan fungsi (x) adalah:dimana n ≠ – 1 dengan C suatu konstanta Contoh.

Pada integral tertentu, sama halnya dengan integral tak tentu. Hanya saja, pada integral tentu memiliki batas atas dan batas bawah. Berikut ini adalah operasi pengintegralan pada integral tertentu:Dimana: F (x) = anti diferensial dari (x)b = batas atasa = batas bawahDalam pengoperasian soal – soal integral tertentu, akan lebih mudah jika menggunakan teorema – teorema dasar kalkulus berikut ini:.

k (x)dx = k (x)dx. ( (x) ± g(x))dx = (x)dx + g(x)dx. (x)dx = 0. (x)dx = – (x)dx. (x)dx = (x)dx + (x)dx (jika a.

We spend an average of 5 hours every day engaged in sports and leisure activities, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says. A good sports app might help give you the same fix in less time. The very best sports game apps combine advanced graphics with simple, touch-based controls, making it easy for you to pick up your phone or tablet and jump straight into the action. Whether you like getting into the middle of the rough and tumble of big-league sports or prefer to manage teams and tactics, there’s something for you to sink your teeth into in this list of some of our favorite mobile sports games for Android devices. If you’re looking for a first-rate mobile basketball game, look no further than NBA 2K17.

Slick graphics, a variety of game modes, and full court gameplay continue the record set by the series, with expanded gameplay features and physical controller support included in the latest release. Highlights include a deeper MyCareer mode with a new Off Day Simulator, as well as an expanded EuroLeague feature, alternate team uniforms, and historic players. All of this comes on top of the already excellent package of Season, MyCareer, and Blacktop mode play, making this a premium sports game well worth its asking price. An interesting mix of hardcore sim and free-to-play fun, Madden NFL Mobile combines the franchise’s hard-nosed American football action and tactical play with a digital trading card system for improving your team lineup. The game features slick graphics, as well as technical gameplay that rewards smart playbook choices and sound tactics in the field.

Madden NFL Mobile also offers league and season modes, live events and challenges to spice things up, and a marketplace and auction house for purchasing booster packs or extra players to upgrade your team. While Gamevil’s earlier Baseball Superstars games featured an anime-RPG aesthetic, the licensed MLB Perfect Inning offers more realistic sports sim gameplay along with a free-to-play card collecting system.

Perfect Inning provides players with numerous game modes, from a full-on AI-controlled simulation, to an an offense-only mode to taking full control of your team’s pitching and batting. As players progress, they earn points which can be spent to buy new players or upgrade their existing lineup (all of which can also be done with real cash). While Perfect Inning delivers a compressed baseball game experience, MLB Home Run Derby 2016 goes for a more full-on arcade experience, challenging players to hit as many home runs as they can in a given amount of time.

Players earn points for both the number of home runs hit, distance those homers travel and targeted skillshots, with end-of-match rewards allowing you to sign up new players, buy improved equipment or purchase temporary boosts for in-game performance. Arcade mode has you battling for points, while single player and multiplayer derby modes have you battling it out against the AI or other human players in head to head bracket battles.

MLB updates the game every season to reflect the venue for that year’s All Star Game. And now for something completely different. Super Stickman Golf 3 throws simulation totally out the window in exchange for absolutely wacky, side-scrolling physics-puzzle gameplay. Featuring 20 dynamic courses, hundreds of holes and a wide variety of hazards and terrain types such as magnets, moving obstacles and sticky terrain, Super Stickman Golf is definitely not your daddy’s golf sim. Players can unlock a variety of player avatars, ball trail effects, and dozens of hats with a variety of game traits, and can participate in online multiplayer when they’ve grown tired of the single player challenges. EA’s hit soccer game gets its annual refresh in FIFA 16: Ultimate Team, challenging players to build their dream team of the world’s best soccer superstars.

Focusing on the Ultimate Team mode, players start with a limited stable of players, and then earn points by playing matches, which allow you to earn, collect and trade toward better players, with the official FIFA licensing bringing more than 10,000 players from more than 500 teams to collect. This latest iteration de-emphasizes the gesture controls that have been hit and miss among players for a more traditional virtual button layout, while also introducing player goal animations, trade-in mechanics and extras like skill challenges. For a more strategic view of “the beautiful game”, check out Sega’s long-running Football Manager series, a game that puts you in the manager’s chair of your favorite football clubs.

A fantastically detailed sports simulator that prizes accuracy over flashiness, Football Manager Mobile’s dry, menu-driven interface and gameplay isn’t exactly spectacular, but for a stat junkie that loves all the nitty-gritty details of transfers, lineups and tactics, it’s a dream come true. Football Manager Touch, designed for higher end tablets, features a more detailed match engine, as well as save-game compatibility with desktop versions of Football Manager 2016. There are a good number of professional wrestling games out there, but we really like Wrassling for its absolute silliness, and simple physics gameplay, while still capturing the wackiness of a wrestling grand melee as you attempt to toss out other wrestlers while keeping yourself planted in the wring. It’s the Royal Rumble by way of QWOP.

The pixel retro graphics are going to be a turn off for some, and the in-between ads can be a pain, but it’s a free, simple and surprisingly satisfying game of wrassling. Although it’s a stylistic departure from, THQ and Yuke’s second round with the mixed martial arts franchise is nonetheless a much deeper experience than its predecessor.Aside from an improved roster count and tweaked controls, UFC Undisputed 2010 is a dramatic time sink. Career Mode has been improved from mindless menu navigation to a genuine progression from camp to camp, as you have to hone certain skill sets to even qualify for the UFC ranks.

Once you do, it’s a consistent and engaging grind to raise your stats and master grappling and striking techniques as you move up in the division. What’s especially welcome is the expanded online mode, when you can enlist friends into a fight camp and collectively work towards common goals.also has a dramatically improved combat system, with more avenues for dishing out damage. New fighting styles help to make key fighters like Lyoto Machida feel much different than or, and the grappling movements have been remapped on the analog stick so you’ll be less likely to mess up transitions and guard passes. More than anything, the stand-up game is much more complete, as you can now sway to dodge punches, and use the fence to trap opponents.

Pack in common modes like classic match recreations and tournament ladders, and it’s an impressive update. There’s a bunch of new stuff to learn, but it’s still very good training for UFC Undisputed 3. 14 PS3, Xbox 360Top Spin 4 has always been one of the more realistic tennis sims available, but Top Spin 4 makes the entire experience more approachable than ever. Not only does the game look terrific, but the expansive career mode ensures that you feel a solid progression through the game’s ranks, even when you’re playing by yourself.

13 WiiYou may not think that a game centered around Nintendo’s portly plumber clad in soccer cleats would make for one of the Wii’s most enjoyable sports titles, but it’s very tough to deny the insanely addictive nature of. Playing as Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, and a whole slew of Nintendo’s best and brightest original characters, you’ll kick, scrap, and shoot your way to victory over, and over, and, well, until your Wiimote runs out of juice.Featuring arcade-y soccer action by way of the Mario gang, Strikers Charged remains a GamePro office obsession to this day, and if you own a and have even a passing interest in arcade/sports titles, it comes highly recommended. 12 Xbox, PS3, WiiIt’s been a rough year for Tiger Woods the golfer, but not for the game.

While EA didn’t make many gameplay tweaks, this year’s edition introduced two things that have made Tiger a better golf game. The first is a caddie. And while this should’ve been in the game years go, the addition of a caddie is pretty cool.The caddie gives you shot recommendations, and unlike traditional aiming guides of the past, these tips are actually pretty close to where the ball lands. And you can level up your caddie, adding an RPG aspect to the game. The other great addition is this little golf course you may have heard of somewhere: Augusta National, the home of the Masters. The entire course has never been in a game before, so this makes PGA Tour 12 a must-buy for serious golfers.

The Wii MotionPlus controls are great, but avoid the PC version: It’s beset with issues. 11 PCThis is the series for the obsessive compulsive sports fan who cares less about the action on the field than managing the front office. In Football Manager, you can take control of anything from Manchester United to tiny village clubs that no one has ever heard of. From there, you not only manage the roster, but the players themselves.Unlike other sports games, the players in Football Manager have actual personalities. You have to figure out how to get on their good side, and sometimes you need to know how to discipline them.

For those willing to put in the effort, it can be a fascinating exercise in actually managing people. It’s unscripted, crazy, and utterly brilliant if you’re willing to take the time to learn how to play it. 10 Xbox 360, PS3While the popularity of “the sweet science” has lost a lot of ground to more brutal upstarts like MMA fighting, no UFC-themed game has come close to putting forth a control scheme as intuitive and appropriate for its sport as EA Sports’ Fight Night series has.Like NBA 2K12, the Fight Night series pays its respects to the sport’s earlier history by featuring classic boxing matchups and legendary fighters of all weight classes. 2011’s Fight Night Champion brought in a narrative-based single player campaign, but it’s really the core gameplay, namely the analog controls that keeps this series so consistently good.

9 WiiIf you’ve purchased a Wii since 2009, you’ve probably played — it came bundled with the system. WSR takes your Mii on a Club Med-esque vacation to the fictional beach resort Wuhu Island. Players have twelve different sports — archery, sword fighting, Frisbee golf, and cycling to name a few — and can compete cooperatively, against a computer, or solo. The game even tracks progress, awarding stamps and experience points to players developing their Wii sports skills.Unlike popular sports simulation game franchises like Madden or MLB: The Show, Wii Sports Resort is a kind of sports-themed party game. Up to four friends can compete head to head or form teams, mimicking the basic movements of each of the sports, free of the confines of a stationary controller. The cute, cartoonish charm and excellent in-game physics compliments the integrity of Wii Sports Resort being both an adult and kid-friendly game. It works as a rainy day retreat and after-hours party.

8 WiiPunch-Out!! Is a classic series; its roots are based in American arcades. The Wii exclusive Punch-Out!! Game is a big deal for a number of reasons. Not only is it the first addition to the series in over a decade, it’s also the first to be rendered in 3D with full motion video and it’s got a multiplayer mode.

You can play it like the original home console version, holding your Wii remote horizontally and using 1 and 2 as A and B. Or you can use the motion sensing capabilities of the Wii to punch with the Wii remote and nunchuk.The game centers on your character Little Mac, and it’s up to you to bring him up in the professional boxing circuits.

The boxers you face range from relatively easy “tutorial” characters to exceptionally skilled heavyweights. Every opponent is brimming with character, from King Hippo (a veteran of the series) the enormous oaf to Mr.

Sandman, the undefeated MVBA World Champion. Even Donkey Kong makes a special cameo appearance (appearing in Last Stand Mode and Exhibition Mode) as the Lord of Games.

7 Xbox 360, PS3”Booooom-shaka-laka!” Any gamer worth their salt has to be familiar with NBA Jam’s overzealous announcer, and his many over-excited in-game exclamations. But the constant spouting of these silly slogans is just a small element in the game’s overall over-the-top charm.Featuring characters with big heads pulling off bigger stunts with downright huge attitudes, NBA Jam successfully blurred the line between “sports game” and “arcade game” on its initial release, and On Fire Edition, the series’ most recent iteration, brings that same arcade-y charm to HD-gen consoles. It’s an over-the-top blast, and it comes highly recommended for b-ball pros and newbies alike. 6 Xbox 360, PS3, WiiEA’s premier franchise continues to reign supreme as the sports genres sales king; but bugs and a general lack of polish have taken away some of its luster. Nevertheless, Madden 12 is a solid sports game that makes big strides in defensive AI and tackling physics.

And despite representing one of the toughest sports to develop for, the online play continues to be a strong suit.So while it’s not quite up to the level of polish and quality of NBA 2K12 or MLB The Show, Madden 12 is one of the franchise’s better games. Assuming that this is the beginning of a trend, Madden NFL may soon be ready to return to the upper echelon of sports games.5 Xbox 360, PS3.

NHL holds the distinction of being GamePro’s favorite office sports game for a reason: it’s the best and most consistent EA Sports title this side of FIFA 12. And NHL 12 is particularly strong, sporting big improvements to the physics and the presentation.

Contoh soal vektor matematika serta penyelesaiannya

Finally, it’s possible to achieve your dream of getting into a fight with a goalie.Thanks to the physics engine, the puck ricochets around the rink more realistically than ever before, with little touches including the ability to knock the net off its moorings. It’s an exceptionally smooth and entertaining sports game with one of the best franchise modes in the genre, and certainly deserving of your attention.

4 Xbox 360, PS3There was a time when it didn’t seem like any game could unseat as the de facto skateboard game, but that’s exactly what Skate did. Trading in the more arcadey style of that series for a nuanced, realistic approach, the Skate series now sits as the best of the best for skate sims.Further refining the formula that made the previous games so good, Skate 3 adds even more venues, new difficulty modes (to make the game harder or easier, your choice), and a more expansive tutorial than ever before.

If you ever wanted to thrash like those kids you see in the parking lot, but you don’t want to suffer the major head trauma you get from wiping out, Skate 3 is the game to play. 3 PlayStation 3The best-looking sports franchise on the market today, bar none. MLB 11: The Show features incredibly realistic animation, great highlight reels, and realistic looking fans who will wave from the stands after a home run and try to snag foul balls. It’s the sort of game that can hold even non-sports games transfixed.MLB 11 revamps the controls in a way that utilizes the analog thumbsticks, making pitching and hitting much more intuitive than before. And the offline franchise mode continues to be deep and fun to use.

All that’s really holding it back is its online play, where the lag plays havoc with the precise nature of the hitting. 2 Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PCThe basketball series developed by Visual Concepts and 2K Games is another one of those sports games series that has established a firm beachhead in the war for positive critical response. So much so that they scared EA Sports off from even releasing a competing basketball game in 2011.The superlative simulation is rounded out by a ridiculous host of modes, one of which stands up as something other video-game sports makers should be trying to emulate. NBA’s Greatest mode lets you play classic players against each other in historical matchups. The care and attention that went in to the mode’s development shows a love and respect for their sport that more sports games need. 1 Xbox 360, PlayStation 3Even non-soccer fans are aware of how much the FIFA series has dominated sports games.

EA Sports’ footy sim has remained a worldwide hit for years thanks to its yearly technical innovations that have made the game more realistic and more fun at the same time.The newest iteration, FIFA Soccer 12, employs a number of revolutionary improvements, but the most impressive is easily the Impact Engine, which breaks new ground in realistically recreating the way players come into contact with each other. It may sound like a little thing, but the result is a virtual recreation, happening in real-time, that’s almost indistinguishable from the real thing.Sumber. Racing games are among the most popular in all of mobile gaming. It was the first genre to overcome the lack of physical buttons on smartphones well enough that it made the games worth playing.

Most popular racing games get downloaded tens of millions of times and have some seriously loyal fans. Which ones should you try? Here are the best racing games for Android.Price: Free with in-app purchasesDuring Rovio’s attempts to spread out from its popular puzzler, they created Angry Birds GO.

This is a kart racing game full of the kind of goofy and ridiculous things you can only find in cartoon kart-based racing games. It has decent graphics and simple enough controls with its only real caveat being that it uses an energy system that means you’ll have to stop racing after a while unless you spend real money. Silly energy system aside, it’s a fun little game that is family friendly and also has online multiplayer! Price: FreeAsphalt 8: Airborne has had some serious staying power over the years. It remains one of the best and most enjoyable racing experiences once you get passed Gameloft’s near constant attempts to get you to spend money on in-app purchases. It features nine season modes culminating in over 300 story line missions, various types of online multiplayer modes, tons of cars to unlock, and various challenges to complete.

The graphics are pretty good and the controls are manageable. It’s about everything you could want in a racing game. You can also try the lighter version of the game, called. Price: FreeCSR Racing has been around for a long time, but a near constant stream of iterations and additional content have helped keep the game fresh and interesting. There is an expanded campaign mode where you must drag race your way to the top of the racing world.

You can also drag race online against people in a variety of competitions, all of which give you rewards. There are a ton of cards to unlock and the graphics still look pretty good despite the game’s age. You can also check out. Price: Free with in-app purchasesDrag Racing is another drag racing game much like CSR and, admittedly, it doesn’t look nearly as good as its competitor. However, what it lacks in graphics, it more than makes up for in mechanics. You’ll have complete control over how your car is tuned, including finding the balance between power and grip, nitrous, and a variety of other car specs. There is a competitive multiplayer mode along with a ton of cars to unlock.

It’s an old game, but it’s been update frequently and it’s still one of the best. Price: FreeGT Racing 2 is another Gameloft game. It hasn’t received as much love as Asphalt 8: Airborne when it comes to updates or marketing but it has still been updated recently and it looks pretty good. In this one, you’ll get to race with 71 licensed cars from over 30 manufacturers across 13 tracks in campaign mode. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but there are over 1400 events to race through with new challenges being created frequently. There is also an online multiplayer mode so you can invite your friends to play as well.

Price: Free with in-app purchasesNitro Nation Racing is a newer drag racing game that’s been tearing up the racing games charts. Despite being free with in-app purchases, the developer boast no energy limits, no delivery time for car upgrades, and none of those other pay-only pitfalls which we really liked.

There are a ton of cars to unlock, online multiplayer modes, tons of upgrades, visual customizations, and even car tuning. It’s like CSR Racing and Drag Racing had a baby. It does have a few bugs though, so beware of that. Price: Free with in-app purchasesRacing Fever is a racing game that’s about as middle of the road as you can get. The graphics are okay and it features various controls schemes based on how you drive.

You’ll also get four environments to race through, four racing modes (including free ride which is just you driving around), leaderboards, various upgrades, and a slow motion mode that lets you take tricky corners more easily. It’s a solid overall experience and worth a shot if you’re looking for something that isn’t overly heavy.

Price: $2.99 with in-app purchasesRiptide GP2 is a long time favorite here at Android Authority. It’s a wave runner racing game with really good graphics, simple controls, and support for all the latest tech (including Android TV). The game features stunts that also gives you boost so you can fly passed opponents. There are a ton of campaign mode races, real time online multiplayer, Google Play Games achievements and cloud saving, and more. It’s one of the best racing games ever released on the Play Store. Price: Free with in-app purchasesTop Speed: Drag and Fast Racing is, as you may have guessed, another drag racing game. This one is newer and somewhat less well-known than competitor titles like CSR Racing, but it’s still pretty good.

Contoh Soal Vektor Matematika Dan Penyelesaian

There are 69 cars, dragsters, and police vehicles, and more. You’ll also get to race in five city districts with different themes along with an aircraft carrier which was kind of cool. The graphics are decent and there are a few arcade modes to keep yourself busy. It’s a solid effort for sure and one of the highest rated games on the list. What is the best PC racing game? So many elements contribute: they’re not just about graphical fidelity and hair-raising sound design – though both certainly help – they’re about pulling you into the action as if you’re there in the driver’s seat, eyes strained as the asphalt whips past at 240kph. From honing your timing for a perfect gear shift to kicking out the back-end for a sublime drift, a quality racing game just feels right.This your first race with us?

Contoh Soal Cerita Vektor Matematika Dan Penyelesaiannya

We’re your best pit-stop for.Don’t go asking, “How could you forget about Grand Prix Legends! Where’s Geoff Crammond?!” When versions of those games surface on Steam or GOG, we’ll be the first in line to play them again and inevitably find they haven’t aged as well as we hoped. So for those of you who are just looking to hop in and fire up the engine of a superb racer, whether that’s an intricate sim or an arcade thriller, these are the best racing games to play right now. The most realistic PC racing games Dirt RallyCodemasters’, Dirt 3, and is arguably the best game Codemasters have made in years.

With a far more authentic handling model, Dirt Rally does away with many of the arcadey touches that continue to persist in the core series.That also makes it a proper rally game, in a way gamers haven’t seen in a long while. It’s not just that these races happen to be set on dirt tracks with loads and loads of sideways slidey driving, but that you’re actually taking part in the kind of endurance racing that rallying is all about. You’ll have to take care of your car through every race stage, which introduces an element of strategy and resource management that’s all too rare in sim-racing.Now that it’s been out awhile, Dirt Rally has also accrued a dedicated and meticulous modding community who regularly put out tweaks and fixes that massively improve the core game, especially for rally aficionados. Everything from gorgeously rendered car skins to the most subtle of weather and lighting changes are available to elevate the core game just that little bit higher.Want more? Shift 2Shift 2 might be the best compromise between realism and accessibility of any game on this list.

It’s not just the ways the car handle — menacing, but capable — but the way it consistently thinks about what players need to perform at a high level. Rather than lock your view gazing out over the hood, or ask you to spring for TrackIR to let you turn your head, Shift 2 has a dynamic view that subtly changes based on context.Coming up on a gentle right hand corner, your view shifts a bit as your driver avatar looks right into the apex. For a sharper corner, your view swings a bit more so you have a sense of what you’re driving into, yet it doesn’t feel disorienting at all. It just feels natural.The thoughtfulness even extends to depth-of-field. This is a wildly overused visual effect, but Shift 2 uses it to highlight where your attention should be.

When someone is coming up fast on your tail, objects farther away get a bit fuzzier while your mirrors sharpen to razor clarity. As you move around in dense traffic, your cockpit gets indistinct while the cars around you come into focus. It sounds gimmicky, but it all feels as natural as driving a car in real life. Shift 2 is really dedicated to communicating the fun and accomplishment of performance driving, and it succeeds admirably. Project CARS, and a plethora of minor but noticeable bugs have definitely dampened enthusiasm for what was one of the PC’s most exciting racers. Still, it’s one of the best racing packages on offer, with tons of rarely-seen racing series and UK circuits that set it apart from its competition.Project CARS is not just beautiful, but its vehicles and tracks are lovingly recreated and wonderfully diverse. You can drive classic F1 deathtraps around modern race courses, or take a LeMans car around the dazzling and under-utilized Watkins Glen race track (which rivals Spa for hilly grandeur).

Or you can say to hell with all that noise and hop into a kart. Just nobody mention  The best PC arcade racers TrackMania 2: CanyonAny genre veteran will tell you that good track design is an essential part of any quality racing title. While in most games a hairpin bend, g-force-laden camber or high speed straight might suffice, for TrackMania 2: Canyon track design takes on a terrifying, Hot Wheels-inspired new meaning. Sweeping barrel-rolls, nigh-impossible jumps and floating platforms that give two fingers to physics are what set the TrackMania series apart from other arcade racers.The real heart of TrackMania 2 can be found online, where the ingenious, convoluted creations of others take centre stage.

The competition is fierce and frantic. A race can quickly devolve into a hilarious highlight reel of missed jumps and unforeseen corners.

The racing mechanics make for an ideal pick-up-and-play title that you can lose hours to without noticing. That’s largely because of how easy the cars are to drive, and yet, once you hit the (often ludicrous) tracks, it’s anyone’s bet who’ll take first place. Forza Horizon 3We had to make do without Forza on PC for all of eternity,. An absolute party of a racing game, the Horizon series abandons the main Forza personality traits of ‘steely’ and ‘serious’ and replaces them with the absurdity of a high-octane car festival.Your job in Horizon 3, aside from racing a healthy variety of stunning motor vehicles, is to build your Horizon festival in the Australian outback. You’ll compete with attending guests in a variety of petrolhead events, from simple first-to-the-finish races to stunt jumps through cargo ships and multi-hour-long endurance tests.Of all of Forza Horizon 3’s achievements though,.

A stunning recreation of classic Aussie landscapes, you’ll find yourself pulling awe-inspiring drifts through dusty corners and hurtling past the perfect blue waves of the South Pacific. It’s a road trip you won’t forget in a hurry.

Driver: San FranciscoEvery arcade racer should be as cool as this game. If Steve McQueen were digitized and turned into a videogame, he would be.While Driver: SF features cars and influences from a variety of eras, it approaches everything with a 70’s style. It loves American muscle, roaring engines, squealing tires, and the impossibly steep hills and twisting roads of San Francisco. It may have the single greatest soundtrack of any racing game, and some of the best event variety.It also has one of the most novel conceits in the genre.

Rather than be bound to one vehicle, you can freely swap your car for any other on the road with a push of a button. So in many races, the car you finish in might not be the one you started with, and in car chases, you’ll quickly learn to teleport through traffic to engineer a variety of automotive catastrophes just to screw with opponents.

It’s bizarre, original, and perpetually delightful. The best PC racing simulations F1 2016F1 fans have had to wait a long time since 2013 for Codemasters to steer their licensed F1 IP back on track. There were moments of brilliance along the way, like F1 2015’s revised handling physics and a steady increase in overall fidelity, but it’s only with the release of F1 2016 that we see the studio come good on their promise. It was a promise laid out back in 2010, actually: be the driver, live the life.Simply put, it’s the most complete and compelling career mode to date. Shooting fish in a barrel compared to F1 2015, which lopped that mode out entirely, but nonetheless impressive. You can now lose your drive entirely if you’re underperforming, and on the other end of the spectrum it’s possible to upgrade a wayward mobile chicane like the 2016 Sauber up to genuinely competitive levels via mid-session testing and its upgrade system.It’s the little things that really make the difference, though: virtual and actual safety cars.

Tremendous weather effects. Customisable helmets. Small details that accumulate to let you know that Codemasters really, really care about this sport.

Race: InjectionYou can’t put together a list of great simulation racing games without having. While the studio appears to have lost its way a bit with the dubious free-to-play RaceRoom Racing Experience, SimBin were sim racing royalty during the mid-2000s. Race: Injection is their capstone game, the package that combines just about everything they accomplished with the and Race 07.These are hard games, but the race-modified sedans of the World Touring Car Cup should ease your transition into serious racing. Even a racing Honda Accord is still a Honda Accord, and the slightly more manageable speed and difficulty of the WTCC is a great place to learn the tracks and SimBin’s superb physics.But there are muscle cars, endurance cars, and open-wheel racers to choose from in this package, all of them brilliantly recreated and offering unique driving challenges. For the money, you probably can’t do better than Race: Injection for sim racing.Unfortunately, the Race series was also long in the tooth even as Injection was released, and there’s no concealing the old tech it’s built on.

Don’t let the flat lighting and dull graphics throw you off, though. A few minutes with these cars, especially if you have a quality force feedback wheel, and you won’t even notice the aged appearance. Assetto CorsaLess a great racing game and more a great handling model with a game built-up around it, to the point of being uncanny at times.The presentation is kind of crude outside the races themselves, but on the track it’s exaclty what it needs to be right down to some terrific AI driving. These aren’t slot-car drivers, but convincing opponents who will overcook it going into a turn, lose control as they try to get back onto the track, and even give you a love-tap as your race side-by-side through a turn. It’s definitely a great option for people who need something that combines modern, attractive graphics and good AI with high-fidelity simulation. IRacingWelp, here we go. The Grand Poobah of simulation racing.

Its cars and tracks are recreated with a fanatical attention to detail, and its league racing rules are about as serious as you’ll find in any racing club or at any track event in the world. This is a racing game for people who want the real thing and are willing to spend hours training for it. It is perhaps the pinnacle of Papyrus legend David Kaemmer’s career.

For those of us who cut our teeth on the IndyCar and Grand Prix Legends game, that name alone is recommendation enough.iRacing is not cheap, though at $50 a year, it’s a better value than many an MMO. Nor is its emphasis on graphics.

But its rewards are aimed a specific and demanding group of players. When you’ve outgrown the Codemasters games and even stuff like Race: Injection is wearing a little thin, this is where you go.That’s our starting grid, but what do you think? Let us know your picks below.Sumber. 1.Game FPS Android besutan Gameloft ini menawarkan grafis yang keren, serta gameplay yang seru dan menegangkan. Nggak heran kalau game FPS Android yang satu ini begitu digemari. Bahkan merupakan game kelima dari seri game Modern Combat keluaran Gameloft.Rasakan keseruan Modern Combat 5: Blackout di Android kamu sekarang juga. Download segera game FPS Android terbaik di bawah ini.Link Download: 2.Dalam game, kamu akan menjadi Zombie Hunter terbaik dan terkuat.

Game FPS Android ini menghadirkan musuh-musuh zombie yang lebih banyak, lebih besar, dan lebih menyeramkan. Selain itu, terdapat pula sistem penembakan autofire yang bikin kamu lebih fokus pada misi. Rasakan sensasi serunya game FPS Android UNKILLED!Link Download: 3.Tantang nyali kamu untuk menghadapi zombie-zombie haus darah yang siap menikam kamu di game. Game FPS Android dengan kualitas grafis yang keren dan banyaknya pilihan senjata ini, wajib kamu download dan coba sendiri di HP Android kamu.Link Download: 4.Setelah menghabisi musuh berupa pasukan tentara dan zombie pada game-game FPS Android di atas, kamu bisa rekreasi sejenak dengan game yang satu ini. Dalam game FPS Android berjudul, kamu harus memburu binatang-binatang liar di hutan belantara dan padang pasir yang luas. Kamu harus dapat membidik dengan tenang namun cekatan.

Dalam game ini, kamu bisa saja bertemu hewan terbesar dan paling berbahaya di dunia. Nikmati serunya menjadi pemburu dan menyelesaikan 200 misi dalam game Wild Hunter 3D yang bisa kamu download di bawah ini.Link Download: 5.menawarkan grafik khas dengan gaya anime yang halus dan keren. Pilihan senjatanya pun banyak dan pasti nggak bikin kamu bosan. Mulai dari pistol, rifle, sniper, bahkan gattling gun pun tersedia di game FPS Android ini.

Game besutan Hero Games ini bisa jadi pilihan tepat buat kamu pencinta FPS. Cobain serunya Crisis Action dengan download gamenya di bawah ini.Link Download: 6.Ambil napas dalam-dalam dan bersiaplah menarik pelatuk untuk menembak musuhmu! Adalah game FPS Android terbaik 2016 yang dikemas dalam permainan perang. Hadapi musuh dengan senjata Ak-47, sniper, senapan, mini-gun, bazooka, dan lain-lain.Link Download: 7.Selain, Gameloft memiliki game FPS Android yang nggak kalah seru dan menyenangkan. Menawarkan gameplay yang lebih berwarna. Kamu bisa memilih 12 karakter unik dan lebih dari 100 senjata bisa kamu pakai.Link Download: 8.Kalau melihat grafisnya, mungkin sejenak kamu nggak akan terpukau. Karena menawarkan grafis yang klasik, tapi keren.

Namun, kalau kamu sudah memainkannya, kamu akan sadar bahwa game ini serba cepat dan memiliki gameplay yang seru. Kalau udah nggak sabar ingin merasakan serunya game Neon Shadow, cepetan download!Link Download: 9.merupakan game besutan Hothead Games yang menawarkan aksi-aksi memukau. Dengan grafis yang halus, serta efek visual tembakan dan ledakan yang keren, game ini wajib untuk kamu coba.Link Download: 10.Selain Modern Combat, seri game FPS Android ini juga nggak kalah seru karena sudah mencapai seri ketiga.

Menawarkan grafis yang halus, serta gameplay yang lebih menyeramkan dan menegangkan. Di sini kamu harus melawan pasukan zombie yang haus darah.Link Download: 11. Hellgate: London FPSHellgate: London FPS adalah sebuah game FPS buatan HandbitSoft Inc. Di dalam game ini, kamu diharuskan untuk membunuh berbagai iblis yang ada di depan kamu. Jangan lupa untuk melakukan upgrade senjata agar dapat membunuhnya dengan mudah.Link Download: 12.

Team Fortress 2 mungkin adalah salah satu game FPS gratis terpopuler di dunia yang bisa kamu mainkan sekarang juga. Sekuel Team Fortress ini menghadirkan gameplay objective based yang menekankan pada kemampuan unik yang dimiliki masing-masing kelas.Visual ala kartun serta pembawaan yang kocak membuat Team Fortress 2 menjadi sebuah FPS yang berbeda dari shooter pada umumnya.

Oh ya, dengan ratusan jenis senjata, topi, dan item lainnya, Team Fortress 2 menghadirkan permainan yang bisa dibentuk sesuai dengan preferensimu. Kesal dengan para? Hal tersebut akan sangat jarang kamu temui dalam Blacklight Retribution. Game FPS cyberpunk ini menghadirkan mekanisme HRV di mana kamu bisa melihat menembus tembok untuk mengetahui lokasi musuh.Selain itu, selama pertarungan berlangsung, akan ada fitur Shop untuk membeli berbagai item demi kelangsungan hidup karaktermu. Kustomisasi karakter juga tersedia dengan pilihan yang sangat luas demi mendukung gaya permainanmu. Semuanya itu dibuat semakin menarik lagi berkat adanya hardsuit yang bisa memutarbalikkan alur permainan. Jika kamu menginginkan FPS yang murni, makaadalah pilihan yang sangat tepat. Menghadirkan gameplay FPS yang kompetitif, Dirty Bomb adalah salah satu game gratis yang harus kamu coba.Dengan mekanisme parkour yang mengingatkanmu dengan game Brink, Dirty Bomb memberikan sensasi pergerakan yang cepat serta memberikan pilihan taktis untuk menyerang musuh.

Dirty Bomb juga memiliki berbagai jenis karakter yang bisa kamu coba dengan kemampuan uniknya masing-masing. Meski terasa grindy di beberapa bagian, kamu pasti akan sangat menikmati setiap pertarungan yang kamu lakukan dalam game ini. PlanetSide 2 akan menghadirkan pengalaman FPS yang sangat dinamis dan bervariasi di setiap sesi permainan.

Ini dikarenakan PlanetSide 2 membawakan pertempuran masif dengan area yang sangat luas dan jumlah pemain yang sangat banyak.Kamu akan berhadapan dengan ratusan pemain lain untuk berebut teritori yang ada. Berbagai jenis senjata dan kendaraaan akan siap untuk kamu gunakan demi mendukung keberhasilanmu memenangkan peperangan. Jika kamu menginginkan perang skala besar, maka PlanetSide 2 adalah game yang wajib kamu coba. Ya, Unreal Tournament telah menjadi sebuah game free-to-play.

Game FPS yang membutuhkan waktu reaksi cepat dari pemain ini menghadirkan gameplay arena shooter seperti layaknya seri Quake dan menyediakan berbagai pilihan senjata ikonik dengan karakteristik yang unik.Meski ketika daftar ini dibuat, Unreal masih dalam masa pre-alpha, setidaknya kamu bisa melihat seperti apa bentuk game ini di akhir masa penggarapannya. Kalau kamu ingin gameplay shooter klasik yang tidak perlu banyak penjelasan, sepertinya Unreal Tournament adalah jawabannya.Epic Games:Evolve Stage 2. Relasimu dengan game yang satu ini sepertinya di antara akan sangat menyukainya atau sangat membencinya. Point Blank termasuk salah satu FPS free-to-play paling populer di Indonesia karena beberapa hal yang terdapat di dalamnya.Gameplay yang dihadirkannya memang terhitung mudah untuk dikuasai dan sensasi berhasil mengalahkan lawan terasa sangat adiktif. Meski tidak menghadirkan visual yang mengagumkan untuk zaman sekarang, Point Blank masih terhitung sebuah FPS yang solid. Kalau kamu tidak keberatan dengan beberapa kekurangan yang dimilikinya, mungkin kamu justru akan sangat tertarik untuk memainkan Point Blank.Garena:Sumber:Navigasi pos.

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