X Wing Heavy Laser Cannon
This is going to be much more of a niche upgrade than it once was.In many cases, this is only going to add one red die to the chassis, and now that it’s bullseye arc specific, with an already limited range of 2-3 and limited damage of regular hits, I don’t see it being used all that often—unless it’s dirt cheap and other cannon options are less appealing.I almost forgot: Cannons don’t ignore range bonuses in 2.0, so at range 3 defenders will get an extra green with this, too. That makes it even worse.
Yes, you can. The 'immediately' specifies the order in this case: first you change all crits to hits, then (at Range 3) you can change a hit to a crit.Correct. By specifying 'immediately', this change happens as part of making the attack with the Heavy Laser. As soon as you have finished rolling the Attack dice and before your opponent has the option to modify your dice results, you change all crits to hits. Then, your opponent may modify your dice with any effects he possesses. Finally, you may modify your dice with any effects you possess, such as the Mercenary Copilot.Personally, I get the impression that Mercenary Copilot was built specifically for the HLC and missiles/torps. Yes, he's useful for any attack at Range 3 but he really excels with secondary weapons that make 4 dice attacks (better chances of rolling hits and fewer Defense dice to plow through).
X Wing Heavy Laser Cannon Pictures
And since HLC doesn't get discarded after use, the Merc can potentially make himself useful the entire game.