Hearts Of Iron 4 Versionen
Contents.Gameplay Hearts of Iron IV is a that primarily revolves around. The player may play as any nation in the world in the 1936 or 1939 start dates in or, although the game is not designed to go beyond 1948. A nation's military is divided between,. For the ground forces, the player may train, customize, and command consisting of various types of, and other units.
These divisions require equipment and to properly fight. The navy and air force also require men and equipment, including the actual and that are used in combat.
Equipment is produced by military factories, while ships are built. These military factories and dockyards are, in turn, constructed by civilian factories, which also construct a variety of other buildings, produce for the civilian population, and oversee with other nations. Most nations are initially forced to devote a significant number of their civilian factories to producing consumer goods, but as the nation becomes increasingly, more factories will be freed up for other purposes. Mobilization is represented as a 'policy' that the player may adjust with the proper amount of, an abstract 'resource' that is also used to appoint new and change other facets of the nation's government. In addition to mobilization, there are other policies, including the nation's stance on and commerce.Land in Hearts of Iron IV is divided into tiny regions known as provinces, which are grouped together to form states. Each state has a certain amount of building slots, factory slots, and 10 infrastructure slots. Best xcom 2 wotc mods. The major seas and oceans (for warships) and the sky (for warplanes) are similarly divided into different regions.
Hearts Of Iron 4 Version 1.4.2
These provinces each have a type of assigned to them that determines how well different types of units will perform in combat there. Divisions are placed in provinces and can attack enemy units in adjacent provinces. How well divisions perform in combat depends on various factors, such as the quality of their equipment, the weather, the type of terrain, the skill and traits of the commanding the divisions, and the of both sides. Technologies can be researched to improve equipment and learn new, among other things, which often means that a more technologically advanced nation will have an edge in combat. If a division (or a group of divisions) successfully overwhelms an enemy province, they may it. Some provinces may have victory points, and if you secure enough enemy victory points, the enemy nation will capitulate.
Occupying key provinces within a allows the occupying power to access the enemy's factories and in that state. To occupation within a state can hamper the occupying power's control over it. Late in the game, nations may develop if they have the proper technology, which can be used to devastate enemy provinces and states.Hearts of Iron IV also attempts to recreate the complex relationships of the day. Nations may undertake a variety of diplomatic actions; they may sign, the independence of other nations, and offer or request, amongst other things. Another key feature of diplomacy is the ability to create a or invite other nations to an existing one.
Factions represent the main alliances of the era, like the and (for gameplay purposes, real-world factions like the Axis and Allies are split into numerous smaller factions, like the, the, and the ). Faction members may assist each other in wars, making faction members very valuable assets. A number of more clandestine diplomatic actions are also available. For example, the player may against other nations, spread their abroad, or stage a. Countries in the game may be,.
Each of the four ideologies have advantages and disadvantages; for example, fascist nations can go to war with other countries easily, but other nations are not as willing to trade with them as they are with democratic countries. If a different ideology becomes too popular in a country, a may be held that will peacefully convert the nation to the more popular ideology. Otherwise, ideologies may come to power violently through coups, or.While Hearts of Iron 4 does feature some events, the game features a 'national focus' system that makes fixed events less necessary than in previous installments in the series.
Each country in the game has a 'focus tree' with various 'national focuses' that grant certain effects or trigger events. For example, in order for the to occur, must first complete the focus that is related to it. Other focuses can grant special bonuses, like faster research times for certain technologies or extra factories. While some bonuses (like extra factories) are very tangible, others (like improvements to morale) are more abstract. These abstract bonuses are represented by 'national spirits' that can be temporary or permanent. Not all national spirits are granted by focuses, and not all spirits are entirely beneficial in nature. Focuses are completed over time; only one focus may be worked on at once, and working on one consumes some political power.
Initially, only a handful of key nations, like Germany, the, and the, had unique focus trees; all other nations shared a generic one. Subsequent updates and have added focus trees to other nations as well.Hearts of Iron IV also introduces the concept of ',' an abstract representation of how close the world is to war on a scale from 0 to 100. Aggressive actions by any nation can increase world tension, while peaceful actions can decrease it. Depending on the circumstances of a nation, like their ideology, a certain level of world tension may be necessary to perform certain actions, like justifying war against another country. Expansions and mods Expansions NameRelease dateDescriptionTogether for Victory15 December 2016Together for Victory is the first expansion pack for Hearts of Iron IV. It adds focus trees to multiple nations within the:, and the. It also expands the relationships between and their masters, with a special autonomy system that determines a subject nation's degree of independence.
Features like an expanded system and the sharing of technology are also added.Death or Dishonor14 June 2017Death or Dishonor is the second expansion pack for Hearts of Iron IV. It adds focus trees to several minor powers in and:,. It also adds the ability to license military equipment.Waking the Tiger8 March 2018Waking the Tiger is the third expansion pack for Hearts of Iron IV. It mostly focuses on the, with new focus trees for and and China and a shared focus tree for the of,. The expansion also adds more opportunities for, with the focus trees of and being reworked and a number of formable nations being added.
Special projects and policies can be enacted with decisions, and several changes to the managing of generals are present in the expansion.Man the Guns28 February 2019Man the Guns is the fourth expansion pack for Hearts of Iron IV. It mostly focuses on improving the naval combat of the game, although numerous other changes and new features are also present in the expansion. For example, the expansion adds focus trees for the and, more alternate history paths for the and the, as a resource, and.Mods Hearts of Iron IV was developed to be more open-ended than previous games in the series.
Partially as a result of this, the game can be more readily than its predecessors. A variety of mods for the game, most of which can be found on the, have been developed, including a number of mods that dramatically change the game. Some mods have been successful enough to attract attention from the media, such as Kaiserreich, a mod set in a world where the won, Red World, a mod set in a world where the won the, Millennium Dawn, a mod set in the modern day, and The Great War, a mod set in the First World War.
Some mods have also attracted controversy for alleged racism and bigotry, such as Deus Vult, a mod that adds the to the game and allows them to commit various atrocities. Development Hearts of Iron IV was announced in 2014 and was originally slated for a late 2015 release. At, creative director confirmed that the game would be pushed back from its original release window, with the new release date being scheduled for the first quarter of 2016. This was an attempt to resolve several issues encountered with the game. In March 2016, it was announced that the game would be released on June 6, 2016, which is the 72nd anniversary of the. Reception ReceptionAggregate scoreAggregatorScore83Review scoresPublicationScore9/108/1088/100Currently, the base game has a score of 83 from review aggregator, translating to 'generally favorable reviews'.gave the game a positive review, writing that ' Hearts of Iron IV embodies the hard truths about all-consuming war and the international politics that guide it.' It argued that the tutorial was the only weak point, and that 'for the dedicated, Hearts of Iron IV could end up being the best grand strategy game in some time.'
It was also reviewed in, with the reviewer writing it was 'overwhelming in both its depth and, more importantly, its complexity,' and arguing that some players unfamiliar with the franchise might find the game interface too complex to easily navigate.wrote a positive review, describing it as 'an incredibly complex World War II simulation that will require potentially hundreds of hours to master, both in-game and pouring over wiki articles that read like an economics textbook,' but writing that 'the payoff is brilliant for those willing to put in the time to learn.' The review praised the layout, writing 'thanks to an unusually striking look and clean, easily navigable interface, the biggest challenges Hearts of Iron 4 presents us with are the good kind: strategic planning, division composition, and fine-tuning economic and political policies.'
IGN went on to conclude that Hearts of Iron IV 'is a strong contender for the title of ultimate armchair-general game. The biggest problems I can point to are almost all performance-related, putting a slow, frustrating finale on what is otherwise an ingeniously detailed strategic stimulation of just about every aspect of 20th-century global warfare.' A review in described it as a 'unique, beautiful, thrilling wargame. While I found a number of flaws when I stood close to the tapestry, it's important to remember that Hearts of Iron 4 exists to encompass the whole sweep of the war.' See also.
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Hearts Of Iron 4 Change Version
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Starkey, Daniel (2016-06-08). Retrieved 2019-02-24. ^ Zacny, Rob (June 9, 2016). Retrieved September 9, 2016.
Starkey, Daniel (June 8, 2016). Retrieved September 9, 2016. Plunkett, Luke (June 6, 2016). Retrieved September 9, 2016.External links.