East West Magazine Yogananda

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East West MagazineWelcome to EAST- WEST MagazineThis is a partial collection of old issues from East-West Magazine published by with International headquarters in los Angeles California, a non-religious and non-profit organization founded in 1920 by the great Sat-Guru Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.I came accross with this abandoned website a long time ago in the Internet and I thought it would be nice to preserve it for all sincere seekers of God of any spiritual path. This site is still available on the 'free' web pages offered by Geocities. I found annonying the pop- up advertisements while trying reading its material, so I wanted to improve that by recreating the site free from ads. I hope you enjoy it.Enter your search terms Submit search formWebwww.mysticalportal.netThis page is mantained byCopyright © 1999-2015 Mystical Portal.Last Modified September 07th 2015.

Yogananda at age sixYogananda was born in, into a devout family.According to his younger brother, Sananda, fromhis earliest years young Mukunda's awareness and experience of thespiritual was far beyond the ordinary. In his youth he sought outmany of India's sages andsaints, hoping to find an illuminated teacher to guide him in hisspiritual quest.Yogananda's seeking after various saints mostly ended when hemet his, in 1910, at theage of 17. He describes his first meeting with Yukteswar as arekindling of a relationship that had lasted for manylifetimes:We entered a oneness of silence; words seemed the rankestsuperfluities. Eloquence flowed in soundless chant from heart ofmaster to disciple. With an antenna of irrefragable insight Isensed that my guru knew God, and would lead me to Him.

Theobscuration of this life disappeared in a fragile dawn of prenatalmemories. Dramatic time!

Past, present, and future are its cyclingscenes. This was not the first sun to find me at these holyfeet!Later on Sri Yukteswar informed Yogananda that he had been sentto him by for a specialpurpose.After passing his Intermediate Examination in Arts from the, in June 1915, he graduated with a degree similar to acurrent day 'Bachelor of Arts' or B.A. (which at the time wasreferred to as an A.B.), from the, a constituentcollege of the. Thisallowed him to spend time at Yukteswar's ashram in Serampore. In1915, he took formal vows into the Swami Order andbecame 'Swami Yogananda Giri'.

In1917, Yogananda founded a school for boys in, West Bengal that combined moderneducational techniques withtraining and spiritual ideals. A year later, the school relocatedto. Thisschool would later becomeSociety of India, the Indian branch of Yogananda's Americanorganization. Move toAmericaIn 1920, he went to the aboard the ship City ofSparta, as India's delegate to an International Congress ofReligious Liberals convening in. That same year he founded theto disseminate worldwide his teachings on India's ancient practicesand philosophy of and itstradition of meditation. For the next several years, he lecturedand taught on the East coast and in 1924 embarked on across-continental speaking tour. Thousands came to hislectures.

Thefollowing year, he established in Los Angeles, California, aninternational headquarters for Self-Realization Fellowship, whichbecame the spiritual and administrative heart of his growing work.Yogananda was the first Hindu teacher of yoga to make his permanenthome in America, living there from 1920—1952, with the exception ofhis trip abroad in 1935–1936. Offering sweetmeats to Yogananda.In 1935, he returned to India to visit Yukteswar and to helpestablish his Yogoda Satsanga work in India. During this visit, astold in his autobiography, he met with, theBengali saint,Nobel-winning physicist, and severaldisciples of Yukteswar's Guru. Whilein India, Yukteswar gave Yogananda the monastic title of (the spelling was laterchanged to 'Paramahansa').Paramahansa means 'supreme swan' and is a title indicating thehighest spiritual attainment. In1936, while Yogananda was visiting Kolkata, Sri Yukteswar died inthe town of Puri. DeathAfter returning to America, he continued to lecture, write, andestablish churches in southern California. In the days leading upto his death, he began hinting that it was time for him to leavethe world.

OnMarch 7, 1952, he attended a dinner for the visiting IndianAmbassador to the U.S., and his wife at thein LosAngeles. At the conclusion of the banquet Yogananda spoke of Indiaand America, their contributions to world peace and human progress,and their future cooperation, expressing his hope for a 'United World' thatwould combine the best qualities of 'efficient America' and'spiritual India.' According to two eyewitnesses—long-time disciples and —as Yogananda ended his speech, he read from his poemMy India, concluding with the words 'Where Ganges, woods,Himalayan caves, and men dream God—I am hallowed; my body touchedthat sod'. Atthe very last words, he slid to the floor, dead from a heart attack.Kriyananda wrote that Yogananda had once stated in a lecture, 'Aheart attack is the easiest way to die.

That is how I choose todie.' Yogananda is buried at the in Glendale,California. Paramahansa Yogananda at a yoga class in Washington, D.C.Yogananda taught his students the need for direct experience oftruth, as opposed to blind belief.

He said that “The true basis ofreligion is not belief, but intuitive experience. Is the soul’s power ofknowing God. To know what religion is really all about, one mustknow God.”Echoing traditionalteachings, he taught that the entire universe is God's cosmicmotion picture, and that individuals are merely actors in thedivine play who change roles through reincarnation. He taught thatmankind's deep suffering is rooted in identifying too closely withone's current role, rather than with the movie's director, orGod.He taught and other meditation practices to help people achieve thatunderstanding, which he called:Self-realization is the knowing in all parts of body, mind, andsoul that you are now in possession of the kingdom of God; that youdo not have to pray that it come to you; that God’s omnipresence isyour omnipresence; and that all that you need to do is improve yourknowing.

Main article:Kriya Yoga is a set of yoga techniques that are the maindiscipline of Yogananda's meditation teachings. Kriya Yoga waspassed down through Yogananda's guru lineage — taught Kriya Yoga to, who taught it to hisdisciple Yukteswar, Yogananda's Guru. Because of ancient yogicinjunctions, 'the actual technique must be learned from aKriyaban or Kriya Yogi', according toYogananda.

Hegave a general description of Kriya Yoga in his Autobiography:The Kriya Yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve,upward and downward, around the six spinal centers (medullary,cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) whichcorrespond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolicCosmic Man. One-half minute of revolution of energy around thesensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in hisevolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of naturalspiritual unfoldment.

Autobiography of a Yogi. Main article:In 1946, Yogananda published his life story,.It has since been translated into twenty-five languages. In 1999,it was designated one of the '100 Most Important Spiritual Books ofthe 20th Century' by a panel of spiritual authors convened byand publishers.Autobiography of a Yogi describes Yogananda's spiritualsearch for enlightenment, in addition to encounters with notablespiritual figures such as,Nobel laureate in literature, noted plantscientist (the book is 'Dedicated to the Memory of LutherBurbank, An American Saint'), famous Indian scientist Sir and -winningphysicist Sir. One notable chapter of this book is 'The Law ofMiracles', where he gives scientific explanations for seeminglymiraculous feats.

He writes 'the word 'impossible' is becoming lessprominent in man's vocabulary' BodilyincorruptibilityAs reported in on August 4, 1952, Harry T.Rowe, Los Angeles Mortuary Director of the in where Yogananda's body was embalmed,stated in a notarized letter:The absence of any visual signs of decay in the dead body ofParamahansa Yogananda offers the most extraordinary case in ourexperience. No physical disintegration was visible in his bodyeven twenty days after death. No indication of mold was visibleon his skin, and no visible drying up took place in the bodilytissues.

This state of perfect preservation of a body is, so far aswe know from mortuary annals, an unparalleled one. No odor ofdecay emanated from his body at any time.

Organizational legacyYogananda's work is continued by several of his disciples andorganizations., which he founded, is headquartered in and hasmeditation centers and temples across the world, including the. The current head is, a direct disciple of Yogananda.Ananda Village, near, wasfounded by, a direct disciple ofYogananda. Ananda expresses an aspect of Yogananda's vision for,an idea for spiritual intentional communities that Yogananda oftenrecommended to his students. At Ananda's Expanding Light Yoga &Meditation Retreat,courses are offered in meditation, spiritual topics, healthylifestyle and, a style of based on Yogananda's teachings as developed by Kriyananda.Ananda also has centers and meditation groups throughout the worldincluding:;;;; and.Song of the Morning Retreat Center, near Vanderbilt, Michigan,was founded by Yogacharya Oliver Black, a direct disciple ofYogananda.

The retreat center offers classes on yoga and meditationand hosts programs featuring visiting spiritual teachers.The Center for Spiritual Awareness (CSA), located in Lakemont,Georgia, was founded by, a direct disciple ofYogananda. The CSA publishes books and audio cassettes and offersmeditation seminars at its retreat center headquarters on avoluntary donation basis. See also: NoteddisciplesThe members of this list were drawn from Yogananda's book'Journey to Self-Realization', unless otherwise noted. Dr.

Lewis, 1920 Boston. Sister Gyanamata, 1924 Seattle. Tara Mata, 1924 San Francisco., 1925 Seattle.

Kamala Silva, 1925. Hamid Bey, 1927. Swami Premananda 1928. Durga Mata, 1929 Detroit. Yogacharya Oliver Black,1930 Detroit., 1931 SaltLake City., 1932Kansas. Rev.

East West Magazine Yogananda

John Lawrence, 1933 Washington DC. Yogi, 1935. Daniel Boone, 1945.

Norman Paulsen, 1947 Los Angeles,., 1948 Los Angeles., 1949 Los Angeles. Bob Raymer, 1951. Yogacharya Mildred Hamilton,1925 SeattleNotes. 629. Ghosh, p. 23.Yogananda, p.

59.Yogananda (2005), p. 90.Yogananda, p. 217.Yogananda, p. 240.Yogananda, p. Group Will Celebrate the Anniversary of Yogi's Birth,'The Desert News, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2 January 1993.Yogananda, all pages.' The next afternoon, with a few simple words of blessing, Yukteswarbestowed on me the further monastic title of Paramhansa.' Yogananda (2005), p.

383.' Paramahansa means 'supreme swan' and is a title indicating thehighest spiritual attainment.' 188.Kriyananda (2003), p. Xiii.Kriyananda (1977), p. 399. ^Kriyananda (1977), p.

400.Miller, p. 179. (Spring 2002), 'My Spirit ShallLive On: The Final Days of Paramahansa Yogananda',Self-Realization Magazine. Retrieved2008-01-17.Kriyananda (2003), p. 31.Yogananda, p.

269-270.Kriyananda (2003), p. 197.Yogananda, p. 231.Yogananda, p. 234.Note: The 1946 ed. Of Autobiography of a Yogi is in the PublicDomain:.

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Retrieved2008-01-16.Time, 4August 1952 'At Forest Lawn Cemetery, where Paramhansa's body wasembalmed'.by Harry Edwards, Investigator 45, November 1995'Professor Angel. Obtained a copy of Yogananda’s deathcertificate from the Los Angeles Department of Vital Statistics.bore the. 'Signature of embalmer.' Retrieved2008-01-16.Book: Journey to Self Realization original list in footnotes.Book: The Flawless Mirror.Yoganandaordained as a swami in 1941. Le Yoga des Pharaons, El Yoga de la plegaria.Book: Christ Consciousness.Kriyananda (1977).Book: Paramahansa Yogananda as I knew him.Date is when shemet PY in SeattleReferences. Bowden, Henry Warner (1993).Dictionary of American Religious Biography.

GreenwoodPress. Ghosh, Sananda Lal (1980).Mejda: The Family and the Early Life of ParamahansaYogananda. Self-Realization Fellowship Publishers.9655. (2003).

TheEssence of Self-Realization: The Wisdom of ParamhansaYogananda. Crystal Clarity Publishers.9298. Kriyananda, Swami (1977).

East West Magazine Yogananda College

ThePath: Autobiography of a Western Yogi. Crystal ClarityPublishers.9113. Miller, Timothy (1995).America's Alternative Religions. SUNY Press.

East West Magazine Yogananda Movie

Yogananda, Paramhansa (2005).Autobiography of a Yogi. Crystal Clarity Publishers.9125. Reprint of 1946first edition published by Philosophical Library, New York. Yogananda, Paramahansa (1979).Metaphysical Meditations. Los Angeles, Calif.:Self-Realization Fellowship.9415. Yogananda, Paramahansa (1996).Divine Romance. Los Angeles, CA: Self-RealizationFellowship.9419.See also.Externallinks.

at. Online edition of Yogananda's Prayer-Poems.

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