Fallout 4 Mod Nude
Originally posted by:What are you talking about?Yea, you can't just 'trade' with your companion and take off their clothes.But you can still steal their clothes away from them.Did that with Cait, just because I figured her corset would look better on me.Well it must have been a bug then. A few days ago I was ♥♥♥♥ing around with the armor equipping in the companion trade menu, after trying different combos I was able to take the base clothing off somehow. Put her in a vault suit and now I can't replicate the result.
Fallout 4 Mod Nude Color
1310d ago (Edited 1310d ago )@aawells07No PC is better because after 2-3 days we already have lighting mods, nude mods, a mod that takes away the settlement build limit, a configuration tool for ini settings, skin replacements, HD eyes, enhanced blood texture, better night skies, water texture.Hows modding going on consoles so far?Oh and we're running at 60 FPS at 1080p on Ultra, and we can do 4K if we want to.granted the overall PC performance is a mixed bag but I hear it runs really 'well' on consoles. 1310d ago (Edited 1310d ago )It always makes me laugh that PC players are supposed to be virgins with no money living at home in their parent's basements, when all that a console owner can afford is a £250 aged console.Who's MORE LIKELY to be still living at home, really? A guy who can afford a £1000 PC or a guy who can afford a £250 console?The average PC gamer age is in their 30s, and we get FAR less little kids playing our games, because, you know, they're at home.as virgins.with no money.because the majority of console owners are kids. 1311d agoMan there always has to be a smart @ss on these forums ruining the fun.Dude in this age there's nothing a person can't know. But if you must last I checked feminism is the belief of political, economic, and social equality regardless of gender. As is often stated by feminist who endured years of oppression at the hands of men dating way back to Aristotle who said women were inferior to men because they didn't have a penis. So in case you didn't know their are many levels of feminist women who believe certain things directly hold them back from the respect they seek up to and including sexualization of women.So a game modded for nudity that wasn't intended to be there I can assure you would only fuel the fires of feminist who would find such action as sexist and demeaning to women.
So dude have a seat.