Tales Of The Rays
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Tales Of The Rays Kocis
Events ▼About. Tales of the Rays is a mobile game in the Tales of Series developed and published by Bandai Namco Games for IOS and Android in Japan.Spoiler Tag.To tag spoilers in comments, please use this format:.spoiler(#s 'Your comment here!' ).Please be mindful about posting spoilers about any of the Tales of series games as well as Tales of the Rays content. Thank you!Rules.News Update.Official links.Our friends. Recently as we all have heard, unfortunately the WW version of Tales of the Rays is going to be shut down on May 29th, 2018 at 20:00 PDT. Understandably many of you (and us as well) are feeling shocked, sad, upset, and angry that this is happening. So we understand that you want to express them and it is fine, just make sure you keep in mind of other Reddit users and the rules.
Please try avoiding flooding the front page if possibleWhat you want to do with Rays is up to you of course. If you still want to experience Tales of the Rays and you are thinking of joining the JPN version, it is advisable to do it as soon as possible! Japan is having a lot of giveaways due to anniversary, and they include but are not limited to:. 2 free tickets that give a random guaranteed mirror.

Tales Of The Rays Jp

A free 10-pull summon on 10 banners, for a total of 100 weapons for free. Get a chance to get characters like Mithos, Zelos, Mint, Arche and other currently event-available characters like Alvin (and soon, Kana and Pasca Kanonno).
a free 5star weapon for Ix/Kocis (Guardian Field), Mileena (Nightmare), and Yuri (Wolf Strike). Boatloads of free currency given as login bonuses and event bonuses to fuel more pullsAnd for the WW players: our condolences on the closure of WW Rays. While it is unfortunate TotRays lifespan was short, we hoped you had a great time with it while we got the chance to play it. Also, the subreddit will still be here to help out. 'u')/ We still have two months left, so let's ride it out to the end! Let's see how Arc 1 ends, enjoy the rerun events as well as the new events that have yet to come.
Mario is one of the most popular games and players from all over the world recognize the plumber and the unique gameplay. New Super Mario Bros is a remake that provides a fresh new approach to the widespread game. Download super mario bros rom. It is a still designed as a platformer in which you control the Italian plumber. Basic looks with new featuresThe game offers most of the originals' looks and gameplay. A lot of fan-made and indie games have appeared after the original release, each with its set of pros and cons.
Let's enjoy it until the very end. ^^)b. Courtesy to Wod Aure on Discord for the information on the #announcement channel.
Something has to be going on in Namco's Mobile division, they just released a new SAO as well and that release has been and contenues to be a massive trainwreck, Many recent and up to date phone's state they're not compatible with the title while many of the ones that do allow download crash just trying to start the game (and in a way that eats battery even after you force close it) meanwhile those lucky few that have gained access to the actual game are reporting tons of bugs and other issues, Issues that those that played the JP version have never encountered. This was my first experience with mobile games and with the eminent shutdown, here are my thoughts.Thank God the prices were so steep that I was never even tempted to pay money for this game! I can't imagine for all those people who spent $100s on this game what it must feel like for developers to be like, 'thanks for giving us lots of money! Now we are going to take this game away from you so you can never play it again! Have a nice day!' I suppose that you could say that people should understand that's how this business works, but had it not been for Link closing recently, I really wouldn't have thought much about it. I know there would be a lot of legisictics to making the game work beyond the servers lifespan, but it just feels legally wrong for you to be able to spend money on a game and then have it taken away from you.I will go ahead and ride out the last two months of the game, but this will likely be both my first and last mobile game like this.
I had hopes that Rays would carry me all the way to the next console game. I just feel I personally would be spent much more money on the damned game if the gacha rates in these games weren't so horrible. I'm not paying upwards of $100 for chance at a mirrage and full set of 4. weapons for whatever character I wanted that came out. Was bad enough I dropped $80 on gems trying for Stahn since he's my favorite tales character after Reid (which I missed).Gacha games such and I don't want to support the lottery/slot machines. Make cosmetics, or fixed bundles for a full set of items at a reasonable price and I'd have spent hundreds on the game, but in not gonna whale for a chance at what I want.I hate the game dying because I liked it alot, but I hope all other gacha games follow suit and die horrendously. I´m not saying the battle mechanics are bad, I´m saying it´s ONLY THAT.
No storytelling, not a single laugh to be obtained out of any text, and only one original chars with barely any personality. No way to love a character if you don´t know them from their own main game. I play the game (casually, it´s my less played mobile, I don´t even own a lvl99 char and can´t clear most content since I don´t care much xDD)Dissidia Opera at least gives you some skits and has a story, but it´s very poor stuff compared to Tales of Link/Rays/Asteria. Haven´t played Moebius nor Brave Exius tho.