Reddit Command And Conquer Torrent

Reddit Command And Conquer Torrent Rating: 9,5/10 4047 votes

Normally we do not discuss pirating copies of c&c games. The entire collection is a pretty good deal normally and is a great deal on sale. However can help you with any problems you may be having. Send him a PM and he can help you get a copy of the game and get it working. I'm not 100% sure that online play works with cracked copies but I'm sure he can answer that better then I can.

Command And Conquer Download

As for free games you can always look at openRA for the first two games And dune 2000. It has online play and much for functionality then the originals. Tiberium sun is comming soon to it but for now we have a free download on our useful links toolbar. Hope that helps!. The earlier games can easily be played together via Hamachi. (Hamachi is pretty shitty and bloated, but I haven't figured out a way to do it without it.

Since I can port forward now, I'll have to try it again sometime.) Never had an opportunity to try Tiberium Wars, but I'm pretty sure it'd work. C&C4 and RA3 require online registration so you couldn't play them online, but again, why would you want to?Generals is definitely doable. A friend and I used to play pirated copies all the time. I remember one game where he was China and I was Kassad and he kept trying to destroy me, but I kept ping-ponging around the map.

Command and conquer torrent download

Eventually, he overwhelmed me.But anyway, shoot me a PM and I'll see if I can find you something.

Command And Conquer 2

To those having trouble downloading because of that pesky ad that keeps replacing the tab with the ad content whenever you click anywhere on the download page, use your keyboard instead of your mouse.If you press TAB on your keybord a couple of times, you’ll see a marker move over the screen. Just keep pressing TAB until that marker is over the download button, then hit Enter.On the next page, where it asks for CAPTCHA, the same pesky ad is present. Just do the TAB trick again, until the text field for the CAPTCHA is active, type it in, hit Enter and you’re done.

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