Armageddon Mod Arma 3

#####################################################this mod is no longer maintained. Star wars knights of the old republic cheat. The reason is that the project was done in a hurry for the MANW contest and it is difficult to update and id full of bad architecture decisions. I am working on a highly similar (but PVP) project. You can check it out here: ).!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!If you have the error 'missing file SUPERdoomsday', it is likely that you didn't download the addon or didn't activate it. To download, you just have to suscribe to it, to activate, you need to launch arma 3 with the launcher (right click on arma 3 in steam), then activate the addon in 'extensions'. The mission must be played in Multiplayer. To try it alone, launch a LAN server (multiplayer - New- LAN).
If you suscribe, the mission should be there.DO NOT TRY TO PLAY IT FROM THE SINGLE PLAYER MENU. IT WON'T WORK.Note: The addon must be deactivated in order to play other missions than ArmAGeddon.It is Developped by myself and Make Love Not War and we take part in the Make Arma Not War contest.You can show your support makearmanotwar.comDescription of the game mode:ArmAGeddon is a Coop Multiplayer game mode.You have to flee Altis while the island is sinking!CSAT forces are fleeing as well and you have to try to steal a vehicle to escape. Tornadoes, earthquakes, meteor falls etc. Will spice up your journey!To Win, you need to go outside the map boundaries with all the survivors (The end mission screen will appear after a while).Typical game:.
you spawn with few ammos, even sometimes with no weapons, no map ect. Find equipment left by retreating CSAT forces in the buildings or try to eleiminate the CSAT's which are left to get their gear.
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Try to find a chopper quickly (remember the water level is rising).